ILLIMANI: Boliviako izpiak eta hizkiak Bolivia 2006
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La Paz

You can´t see the sea from up there:

You can´t see it from Switzerland either, but that´s not the same. Bolivia lost to Chile what little access it had formerly had to the coast in the War of the Pacific. When we have lost something we feel all the more that it is ours. A one-legged man continues to remember his lost appendage. And the war left Bolivia onelegged.
But Bolivians are not as uninformed as all that in marine matters. They even have a navy. It carries out training in Lake Titicaca. But it´s not much of a navy, and Bolivia must be the only country without a coast to have had a minister of maritime affairs.
At a conference of South American countries, the Argentinean delegate once decided to make fun of his Bolivian counterpart. "I say, what do you make of Bolivia having no sea but a maritime minister?". The Bolivian quipped back: "Well, I have a better one than that for you. What do you make of Argentina having a justice minister?".

Han goitik ez da itsasorik ikusten:

Suitzatik ere ez da ikusten, baina ez da berdina. Boliviak galdu egin zuen itsasorako irteera Pazifikoko Gerran, Txilek kendu zion, lehendik gutxi zeukala eta. Eta galdutakoa beti sentitzen da are norbereago. Hankamotza ere falta duen zangoarekin oroitzen da beti. Eta Bolivia hankamotz geltizu zen gerran.
Baina ez dira boliviarrak hain analfabetoak itsaso kontutan. Marina ere badute, eta Titikaka lakuan egiten ditu bere entrenamenduak. Baina marina gutxitxo, eta Bolivia izango da herri bakarra, itsasorik izan ez, eta itsasoko ministroa edukitzera iritsi zena.
Hego Amerikako herrien arteko topaketa batean, Argentinako ordezkariak adarra jo nahi izan zion Boliviakoari: "Aizu, nola uler liteke, zuek, itsasorik eduki ez, eta itsasoko ministroa edukitzea?". Baina boliviarra, abila: "Aizu, zailagoa da ulertzen zuek nola daukazuen justizia ministroa!".