ILLIMANI: Boliviako izpiak eta hizkiak Bolivia 2006
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Palacio de Gobierno, La Paz

Hey Ernesto! I have to tell you-
though that bullet you took´s a real shame-
that whether or not you had that in mind,
through your doing, in the West came.
Cause the communal system and communism
are quite different despite their name,
just as the thread in your red flag
and our Whipal are not the same.
From you to me there´s a difference
like a cigar to a coca leaf:
our discourses are no more similar
than the colouring of our skin.
So from your humble disciple
please take this piece of advice:
before setting out to change the world
be transformed by the land you are in.

El Ché:
Hi there Evo! I was ever so glad
to see you reach victory,
even though your pants tend to drag
when you climb up into that tree.
Well I found my path to liberation
with a red flag guiding me,
and it guided them too when the right wind blew
for it told them who they should be.
So a red star was my compass
and I bore it next to my heart,
while you follow your people´s sun-god
by the name of Tata Inti.
But remember, now, that Tata Inti
started out as a star,
and at each day´s end on the mountain top
he turns red for all to see.

Aizak Ernesto, gorroto diat
hiri sartutako bala,
baina hik ere oharkabean
ekarri duk Mendebala.
Ez duk berdina komunismoa
ta sistema komunala,
ez dituk hari berdinez josten
zapi gorri ta Whipala.
Nola purutik koka hostora
higandik nigana hala
aldatzen zaiguk azala.
Nik aholku bat emango diat
ikasle xume bezala,
lur bat irauli baino lehenago
lur hark irauli hazala.

Aizak hi Evo, poztu ninduan
hik garaipena lortzean,
nahiz eta galtzak arrastan hartu
zuhaitz gora igotzean.
Askabide bat bilatu nian
gure zapiak lotzean,
gero berriz nor izan zitezen
haizeak alde jotzean.
Izar gorri bat ipar orraztzat
hartu nian bihotzean,
eta zuena Tata Inti duk,
eguzki hitz arrotzean.
Baina ez ahaztu Intia ere
izar bat zela sortzean
eta gorritu egiten dela
mendi atzera sartzean.