ILLIMANI: Boliviako izpiak eta hizkiak Bolivia 2006
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Más arriba de La Paz, El Alto


Autopista, El Alto - La Paz

Alphabet soup:

IMA. Name of the hostess who gave us the aeroplane tickets: "the flight will leave in three hours". We sat down in a long bank, in Barajas. The hours passed, three, four, five, six... and we were still there. At my side a green marble statue was seated, making me company. It seems that it was an aged artist, from the past century, that remained in silence without complaining. I almost asked him if he also flied with Air Madrid. Madrid-Lima.

LIMA. Capital of Perú that seems to register the biggest index of inaquality between its inhabitants. I saw an aged man bare-footed. A little dog followed him, dress in jersey. An aged woman come close to us asking for alms. We said no to her. A little girl behind the aged woman, to be sure, confirmed our refusal with her extended hand. If the calculation of the tree ages it's applicable to the palm of the hands, one of them had eighty years, and the other three or four. Also both shared the same post. I don't know if this is equality or inaquality. But anyway, it was a splendid day for tourists; the climate.

CLIMA. Above La Paz, in El Alto, its own name denounces it: located four thousand meters above the sea level. It's there that the aeroplane lands. To go down to La Paz one has to catch a taxi "the one with silver". The temperature is below zero when we arrived. The windows of the taxi could not be more open when we go down for what they call speedway. I could not lose the chance to make a show of my good Spanish: "The wind blows strongly hein, amigo" "Nooooo, only caresses brother". There you have it! The CLIMAX.

Hizki zopa:

IMA. Hegazkin txartelak eskura luzatu zizkigun bulegaria. "Hemendik hiru ordura aterako da hegazkina". Banku luxe batean eseri ginen, Barajasen. Pasa ziren orduak, hiru, lau, bost, sei... eta gu han. Marmol berdezko estatua bizardun bat nuen ondoan eseria, konpainia egiten. Artista zahar bat omen zen, joan den mendekoa, eta isilik egon zen, kexatu gabe. Galdetzekotan egon nintzen ea berak ere Air Madridekin hartu zuen hegaldia. Madrid-Lima.
LIMA. Peruko hiriburua omen biztanleen artean ezberdintasunik gehien dagoen hiria. Nik aitona bat ikusi nuen oinutsik. Txakur txiki bat zuen atzetik segika, jertsea jantzita. Amona bat etorri zitzaigun gero limosna eske. Ezetz esan genion. Badaezpada, haren atzetik, neskatxa txiki bat azaldu zen eskua luzatuz, ezezkoa baieztatzera. Zuhaitzen adin kalkuluak esku ahurretarako balio badu batek laurogei urte izango zituen, besteak hiru-lau. Biek ofizio berdina. Ez dakit hori berdintasuna edo ezberdintasuna ote den. Baina berdin da, giro ederra zegoen han turistentzat; klima.
KLIMA. La Pazetik gora, El Alto, izenak berak salatzen du: ia lau mila metro itsasoz gora. Eta hegazkinak han hartzen du lur. La Pazera taxian jaisten da, "el que tiene plata". Zero azpitik zegoen tenperatura gu iritsi ginenean. Eta taxia leihoak ondo zabalduta jaitsi zen autopista deitzen dioten horretan behera. Nire gaztelera ederra luzitu gabe ezin utzi: "El viento sopla fuerte eh, compañero?" "Nooooo hermanito, acaricia nomás. To, KILIMA.