about us


Udo Remmes

0 : individual exhibition
0 : collective exhibition
1 : guest author

Photo-Exhibitions - Publications and -Projects

1997 September LEBEN IN DUESSELDORF, Reading / GB (joint exhibition)
2000 June OPERARIA, University-Library Duesseldorf
2001 June GORGONEION, 104th Deutscher Aerztetag, Ludwighafen
2001 October GORGONEION II, Congress-Center Baden-Baden
2001 November SERENISSIMA SERENATA, Duesseldorf
2001 December KOSMAS UND DAMIAN, In memoriam 11. September 2001, Johannes-Church / Citychurch Duesseldorf, (Charity)
2002 June SERENISSIMA SERENATA, 105th Dt. Aerztetag Rostock since then at the Hartmannbund-House Berlin, (Charity)
2002 July IN MOTION, Gyoer / Hungary(international joint exhibition)
2002 December OPERARIA II, Leica-Gallery Solms (Leica Headquarters, Germany)
MY POINT OF VIEW, Leica-Diary 2002 (international joint presentation)
2003 March OPERARIA II, Leica-Gallery Tokyo / Japan
2003 21. Febr.-11. May MOMENTS OF ART, Theatre-Museum Duesseldorf
2003 April Photobook "Moments of Art", 4C, 120 Pg., ISBN 3-929945-19-3 German, English, Japanese
2003 December Set Design (photographical part) new Foyer of The Duesseldorf Theatre Museum
2004 Preparing a Photo-Charity Project against Cancer and two further exhibitions

Photographical Distinctions and Education:

Graduation in "Professional Photography" by the NYIP
Accredited Senior Imaging Scientist (ASIS)and Fellow of The Royal Photographic Society (FRPS)
German representative of the Royal Photographic Society (RPS)
Fellow of The Royal Society of Arts,London (FRSA)
