ILLIMANI: Boliviako izpiak eta hizkiak Bolivia 2006
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La Paz

Felipe Quispe, ex-leader of the Tupac Katari Guerrilla Army and recognised indigenous politician.
Felipe Quispe: "Evo has harvested the seeds we sowed. We made the sacrifices, we gave our lives, and he has harvested the fruits. But we are not angry at him, we are not crying about him, because Indians do not cry in public.
Amets Arzallus: Where do Indians cry?
Felipe Quispe: At home, out of everyone´s sight. But we are going to see how Evo governs; all Indians sights are set on him. You know, the people elected him, and if he doesn´t govern well, the people will get rid of him".

Felipe Quispe, Tupac Katari Armada Gerrillariko buru ohia eta indigenen erreferentzia politiko bat.
Felipe Quispe: "Evok guk ereindako hazitik jaso du uzta. Gu sakrifikatu ginen, guk eman genituen bizitzak, eta berak jaso du uzta. Baina ez gaude horrekin haserre, ez gaude horrekin negarrez, indioak ez baitu negarrik egiten kalean.
Amets Arzallus: Non egiten du negar indioak?
Felipe Quispe: Bere etxean, inork ikusi gabe. Baina guk ikusiko dugu Evok nola gobernatzen duen, Evo indioen miran dago. Nik badakit herriak aukeratu duela, eta ez baldin badu ongi gobernatzen, badakit herriak berak botako duela".