april 2008

guest author
Ângela M. Ferreira
Ângela M. Ferreira

Umbilical carries us into an oneiric world full of allusions to the universe of painting. It's clearly evident not only in it's subjects, but also in the choice of symbols that integrate each one of it's works.

As in all Ângela's works, there's always a poetical reflexion that searchs for a transformation of the real, sometimes as shadow, as a fugacious reverberation of a weightless world that acquires melancholy lightness by paradise.

This serie is a birth meditation in all of it's meanings. Umbilical crosses the imaginary of dreams and the essence of human condition, with several elements of return to the maternal womb.
The images appear at the sea bottom, and even when at surface, they still remain in profoundness. Everything happens in an experimented vision of life and death, where negative is followed by positive.

In this journey's dense universe that crosses images caught in Portugal, India and Brazil, the journey's poetical in space is balanced with enthusiasm and astonishment of the navigation, wheter in space, wheter the oscillations between real and virtual.

It's about the agglutination of several journeys into only one: the day-dreams. It's a journey free of time's cyclical fatality, only open to renewal. [see exhibition]

individual exhibitions
Manuel Luís Cochofel
It's Just an Illusion
Manuel Luís Cochofel

All the art knows the expressiveness of the inexpressive and that experience of the real only will happen once we loose the fear to enter in a theater of illusions.
Vladimir Safatle
(Philosophy professor)

All these images were made in my place, in a small studio, with artificial light, with large format and colour negative.

They are portraits of family and friends of mine, to whom I asked for being photographed with a neutral expression, without the mask that a smile or an assayed expression can put, between it's representation and the observer.

The couple portraits have the intention to rouse diverse readings, when the observer tries to establish links without knowing if they exist, or which nature they will be. [see exhibition]

Odysseus, China
The winning photo is from Odysseus, China. Congratulations! [see exhibition]

Results for March 2008

Sensation produced in the ear by the vibrations of the sonorous bodies; vibration that produces this sensation; noise; voice.

Photographs can also be heard. They have voices and sounds that tell their stories.

subject for April contest
Black and White

Something that has grey tones, varying from white to black.

Show us photographs in black and white.

Results will show on the next newsletter and be published on the site.

See the rules to participate. [see rules]

photo agenda
Suggestions in Portugal


[>] Zona, Eduardo Gomes
Galeria Serpente, Porto
until 12 Apr

[>] A Campanha do Argus, Alan Villiers
Osíris - Galeria Municipal, Caldas da Rainha
until 13 Apr
[>] Lugares de Culto, Rui Morais de Sousa
Casa dos Cubos, Tomar
until 20 Apr
[>] Impressões do Oeste, Luís Filipe Catarino
Teatro José Lúcio da Silva, Leiria
until 30 Apr
[>] Magma, Samuel Rama
Galeria 111, Lisboa
until 03 May
[>] Por Uma Vida Melhor, Gérald Bloncourt
Museu Berardo, Centro Cultural de Belém, Lisboa
until 18 May

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