EVO MORALES AYMA: The First Indigenous President Bolivia 2006
author: Txomin  Txueka
title: Cover to the ARGIA Magazine, number 2054 individual exhibition

EVO MORALES AYMA: The First Indigenous President

Bolivia 2006

"It is possible to know a person according to the palm of its hand, better still than according to its face. The presidents tighten hands, white hands, tender hands, hands that did not suffer. But among these hands that follow, there's one different from the others, a color of land hand, a furrowed of rivers hand, a hard hand; a hand that knows its role of hand. It is useless to look at the face, it is Evo."

Aurpegieratik baino hobeto ezagutu liteke pertsona esku ahurretik. Presidenteek bostekoa luzatzen diote elkarri, eta pasatzen dira esku txuriak, esku guriak, esku garbiak, inoiz hortzik estutu gabeko eskuak. Baina estutu bat eta estutu bestea, iritsi da esku bat besteak ez bezalakoa, esku bat lurraren kolorekoa, esku bat erreka bidez marraztua, esku bat gogorra; esku bat, esku izatea zer den badakiena. Ez dago aurpegira begiratu beharrik, Evo da.

(ARGIA Magazine, 17-09-2006, number 2054 )

Translation © ALAN R. KING