author: Edgar Keats
title: elevator music guest author


The light and the magic of the bodies are the motto for an endless trip of images, where the sensation and emotion have a bigger relevance, much more than the aesthetic one, the balance or the perfection.

Almost auto-biographical trips, disorganized trips, impulsive, self-centered, egoistic, perverse trips for times. But always honest with the feelings of who saw for the first time.

It's in this perpetual movement between the absorption of emotions and its personal interpretation that seat these photographs. It's the fascination for the human forms, for the free bodies, now sexual, then grotesque, however simple and and beautiful. It's the music and its share not less emotive. It's what makes me have strength to move my world. It's everything that makes me vibrate, laugh, tremble, cry and cry out.

Text: Edgar Keats
Translation: Sofia Quintas